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IFV Practical sheet / The typhlodromes or Phytoseidae

zusammengefasst von Philippe Delval

letzte Aktualisierung: 08.09.2010

This document provides an update on the identification and effectiveness of this beneficial
Wirksamkeit:bereit zur Anwendung
  • Weinrebe, Europäische / Vitis vinifera (VITVI)
    • nützliche Insekten
    • Identifikation von Nützlingen
    • Frankreich


    It is capital, in a process of rational control, taking into account the predators (which eat the other). This is to encourage this, including the establishment of a biocontrol promoting and protecting these natural allies, which include typhlodromes.

    Typhlodromes and mites?
    The role of natural predation on yellow and red mites is known.
    The threshold of regulation (quantity of typhlodromes necessary to control any population of red or yellow mites) is one Mobile form by Leaf (1 MF / leaf).

    Typhlodromes and thrips of the vine?
    Based on established knowledge in gardening, where a kind of typhlodromes (Amblyseius cucumeris) is used to fight against a species of thrips (Frankiniella occidentalis), IFV Southwest has tested the ability of Typhlodromus pyri to control populations of Thrips (Drepanothrips reuteri) of vines. Laboratory tests have shown that the larvae of thrips is a prey of choice for typhlodromes who consume 1,09 per day. One mobile form allows to limit attacks of thrips, the balance of one typhlodrome for 2,5  thrips appear to be necessary for a total regulation.

    Typhlodromes and rust mite? "
    A recent census of the number of agents of the rust mites, and the number of typhlodromes was performed on twenty parcels of Fronton in 2004, in collaboration with the ADVA / CA 31. It appeared that parcels with a large number of typhlodromes, had fewer rust  mites. Going further, it seems that the threshold of 1 MF / leaf allows to restrict the development of C. vitis, whereas 2 MF / leaf would regulate populations. This hypothesis remains to be validated.
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