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IFV Practical sheet / Bud mite

zusammengefasst von Philippe Delval

letzte Aktualisierung: 08.09.2010

This sheet provides information on identification and describes methods of control against the bud mite (Colomerus vitis)
Wirksamkeit:bereit zur Anwendung
  • Weinrebe, Europäische / Vitis vinifera (VITVI)
  • Gallmilbe, Rebenblatt- / Colomerus vitis (ERPHVI)
  • nützliche Insekten
  • Pestizideinsatz
  • Identifikation von Schädlingen
  • Frankreich

What method of control against the bud mite?

• Chemical
There is no threshold. The control is curative and should be limited only in infected vines. A wettable sulfur treatment, since the appearance of galls, at the registered rate against powdery mildew is generally sufficient to control the bud mite. In the case of sensitive vines, two treatments (stages CD and DE) may be necessary.

• Organic
A midge is a specific predatory of bud mite: Arthrocnodax vitis. Other mite predators such as typhlodromes also limit this pest.
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